Friday, March 17, 2006


Blogger friendz said...

Hellowa..."Friendz" the word brings a fountain of memories & for most of us those are pleasant,hilarious & yes shadows in this heat what we call "life".

Friends Doyel here can take the liberty & describe me as I will be doing for all those who share this space.

Atlast in this concrete jungle I thank my maker that I have my own space..a space where I can use it the way I want.

Priyanka: someone who is intersted in different languages; loves to experiment with food & speaks her mind out without an outta of doubt!!

Nitin: Our intellectual locker...very knowledgeable & kinds of help in maintaining a balance in our group

Madhushree: The lifeline in our group..makes life interesting & loves to plan & party..she is synonymous to fun,masti & magic

Satyaban: The horizontally little vertically big boy of our group...has a golden heart with chewed up brains...he thinks the sign of adulthood is to save so we always make him pay our bills through his credit card:))

Rajdeep:Just married & happily settled is the mercury of our group. He strikes the perfect balance between fun & work..above all manages Satyaban oops Bhaam to quite an extent

Rajashree: The new entrant..we will speak when we know him more but shares our wave/tide whatever lenght you call..

We just came together unintentionally but to stay together became our we thought of this space where no matter where life takes us but here atleast we stay together & stay connected...


March 17, 2006  

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