Saturday, March 18, 2006

Views of Satyaban

hey guyzzz...

I thought for quite sometime about what I should write and share.Then I understood that I am so lucky to be surrounded with such talented and innovative thinkers.

Before writing about my buddies I would like to share about my feelings a little.I feel that no man can be happy without a friend, nor can he value the friend and be sure of the friendship till he is unhappy.I feel that we are still at a stage where we share our happy moments together but we are yet to reach the level where with out any hesitation we'll share the grieves or problems of another.
About my frnds,

Nitin : A guy with no complexities..he is the person who has not lost his childlike heart and follows his heart because he feels it knows the way..he is creative and knowledgable...sometimes funny as well.. last but not the least.. he is a good buddy of mine.

Doyel :a fun loving bubbly person with a heart of gold.... she always puts others feelings before her own and hates conflicts(even though she causes most of it ) ;-)..Very very good at writing and very talented. Does not think much of her looks even though she is extremely pretty..she has got an affinity on piercing her ears evry now and then.

Rajarshi : A new member... always have a smiling face & it seems that he is well-matched to the harmony of the team(full of crazy buddies)..

Madhushree :She touches the people with her fun loving ways and super personality. She is such a wonderful person... She is trying to loose weight by eating less(its a futile effort although) but i think she is burning out more on her calories with the help of "Kanch Kanch".

Rajdeep : My Punch bag(best buddy).. A very nice human being with good sense of humour(not better than me ofcourse). Always comes up with a helping hand.. recently concentrating in family planning.. good at his (relevant/irrelevant)presentation skills..

Priyanka : (T.) An unique friend..A person highly sensitive ,vulnerable, sweet and slightly unpredictable..obssessed with work..It is a little hard to get to know her..She is one of those very few friends in our lives who not only give us pleasure in their company, but also provides enough support.She is also very honest about her opinions..She can be extremely helpful but sometimes can be quite scary though she doesen't mean to be...A true person by heart.... & i feel there is lot more yet to be discovered abt her.

"Life is sweet because of the friends we have made
And the things which in common we share;
We want to live on, not only because of ourselves,
But also because of the ones who would care.
It's living and doing for somebody else
On that all of life's splendor depends,
And the joy of it all, when we count it all up,
Is found in the making of friends."

Thanks for being there always.. lets cherish the memories together..
Please do keep in touch.



Blogger friendz said...

Satyabhaam...well we know you are a good boy but let we share a secret we also know you are overtly sensitive to others' needs...Nitin is right when he says that a matured person is there somewhere..tell you the truth you act as a little boy & we all react to that acting fully aware of the true identity...keep the good work up...


March 18, 2006  

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