Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Its really Surprising to see that no postings in the Blogger for the last 6 days .
I was only an invitee member in the blogger and still somehow got addicted .
every morning religiously after coming to the office I have been opening up the site to get disheartened that no one has posted anything .

Guys Can we spice up the entire surroundings a little bit !!!!!!!!!!!!
Its POILA BAISHAKH around and the city is yet to experience the first " Kalbaishakhi" . Personally, I have always felt attarcted towards this special natural happening as lots of memories are attached to it . Coming back from school and if it had started training we deliberately made a point to get drenched . Then who can forget those wonderful five a side football matches in the rain when it was but obvious to get scolding from Ma after coming back . And then with time these rainy stormy evenings also changed. While getting to adolscent stage it meant remembering the glimpse of that special person who had not come on that day for the tution classes and then after resisting for long you call her up to speak for only two minutes . Then you enter your proferssional life where you might not have the time to think about it also .
While walking theu the corridor waiting for the meeting with the functional Heads you only remove the window panes to take a glimpse and think of the traffic jam on the way back.
Would have really loved to find a different meaning and interpretation of the same along with my Best friend who also happens to be my wife now but alas ..................................
Would have loved to go for a football match but alas the friends are lost .
Would have loved to meet up my childhood sweetheart but alas she has left no contact details .
Cant we have atleast the same " Kalbaishakhi" with its smell , beauty and wildness back atleast for once ?????



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