Monday, March 27, 2006

Dawn-Dusk & Hope

One fine day O I remember that was a Sunday
Life knocked at my door with baited breathe
As we embraced I was gifted the sun which was vermillion red
The brightness,the warmth,the passion of it all
I started to burn when destiny recalled
Nothing mattered, guess nothing ever will
Life gave me a gift & it was mine still
I asked my maker why games He played
"Dreams & Magic" with a wink He said
Dreams I realise I was dreaming a lot
What was "Magic"? I thought
Then I realised & I wondered in awe
My sun in my mirror is only what I saw
Now what I see is a shadow by my side
A shadow which accompanies me day & night
That day as life was passing by, it again knocked at my door
Promised me a full moon night the next time he visits my shore



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