Wednesday, March 22, 2006

House Warming Party

Guuuuuyssz.....(reminds me of Gargi)!! I'm back with all the more energy that all of you have written about. ANyway i wouldnt get into details about each one of you. Dont worry, that would come later ;) I couldnt miss on the opportunity to speak about each one of you. Its kind of diificult to type anything over here with Rajdeep, Nitin and Satya's 'Ma and Baba' and Hutum ( presently Nitin's wife) around. I certainly do not have the advantage of Satyaban's corner.

As of now, its great to be back at work. Well not at 'work' exactly, however i did miss all of you several times (not all the time). And it feels at home with the three brothers here downstairs, raj, doyel and priyanka.

Since Nitin is leaving, Ani and I have decided to throw our house warming party on this Friday. We can party late. Pls do not give me excuses of going home early. Patuli is actually not that far away. Its just a perception.

So ppl, jaldi jaldi sab haan kar do. SO that i can start making some arrangements. Afterall i have also become a 'grihini' (no idea if its the right word' now ;))

Love Madhushree Basu (Roy)

p.s Ani loves the last part for some wierd reason.


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