Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Views of Rajdeep

Hola Amigos!! I would start with an apology as I am the last person to give any input in our forum. Well, I just wanted to be a observer for;)…


Rang De Basanti: Actually, reporters asked this question to Aamir in a press conference. Whathe told was pretty interesting.In the crew of the film unit, there was a person called GNAR (Russian Artist). He was a giant of 8'2" in height and 130 kilos of weight. He wasthe person, who lifted and threw Aamir, in the title song.The producer of the movie asked by some pundit to name his film after 11 days of shooting is completed. On 11th day of shoot, all crew had a heateddiscussion and argument on what should be the name of the movie. They decideto put chits and all stuff, but nobody agreed to one name. At that time Gnar was not feeling well and he was sleeping in his camp tomb (It was an outdoorshoot on the mountains). The pundit was on sets and they suggested that thecrew will visit Gnar and whatever will be first word(s) every person will speak after entering his camp - will be the name of movie. If more than onechoice then the the word(s) mostly spoken will be selected. And that will bethe last chance of titling the movie.Scene -2. All of the crew people walking towards GNAR's tent and opens the veil and ... All of them were surprised... Gnar twirling and trying to sleepon a 4 feet long bed. Everyone was shocked and in unison they shouted "ITNASA BED GNAR"..... silence...long silence.... It was said. and by all. They had to keep this name of the movie.But the producer and Director were very upset over the kind of namefinalized. They lost all enthusiasm and even thought of dumping theproject...Then came the advice from the great GNAR... The advice which was accepted by the producer with most happiness... He Said, "Why don't youreverse the title text....Don't kill me guys!!! Im also looking out for the one who sent it to me...

Anyways, I should thank Priyanka, Nitin, Satyaban and Doyel for taking the plunge in creating this awesome idea of a BLOG. Maybe it’s just an online canvas where we portrait our feelings, views and humor but to me it is much more than that. To me it’s a place where we can share our special moments in life with each other through out lifetime. The future is unpredictable…we don’t know where it takes us. For instance, our dearest buddy Nitin is moving out to Chennai. Maybe someday each one of us will be heading towards a different goal, but this forum can bring us together once again. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your group. I never thought that I will get such a lovely company here in Ma Foi the day I joined. You guys are just wonderful!! Oh……!! I also want to thanks you all for those precious views on me…I will cherish them all my life. Okie, that’s it…now its time for me to put some input for all u guyz!!!

Let’s start with a one liner…lol

“Gorgeous, intelligent, kind, sweet, charming, witty, hilarious, friendly...well enough about ME! How are you?”

Rajarshi: The ‘diverse’ character. He can party hard and get a clean sign up from a client the very next morning. Well balanced person with a lot of depth. Though I have known him for short time, I think he can be one of my closest friends. After all he is the first person in Ma Foi to share a similar taste of music with me. Keep jamming dude!!

Doyel: The ‘bubbly’ character. She is very pretty, sweet yet very matured. I was extremely comfortable with her company from the day one itself. I really like her taste of dressing and piercing. I admire her way directing the driver when she is in a cab……… (I and Satyaban know)….hehehehhe…not to forget that she is serious worker (I have seen her getting dissolved in the pc monitor working). She is innovative, creative and can write extremely well. Hope to read some good ones in this blog. Someday I would love to get some training from her. Keep it going…..and keep writing!!

Nitin: “Jack of all trades and master of ALL”. Well, his knowledge is vast and deep. If one needs any information on any thing believe me he has the answer. To be very honest I have started respecting his views and ideas. Other than his high intellect, as a person he is very soft and sentimental which makes him so special. He is one of the best writers I have seen in my life and I strongly believe that someday he will make it to the top. Keep up the good work Nitin….we are proud of you….!!

Priyanka: The ‘workaholic’. Well it is really hard to project any views on her as I tend to discover new things every time I meet her. But truly I feel that, she has something in her which makes her very different and interesting. She loves adventures and traveling and something which not too many people will be interested in. Maybe this makes her different. Sometimes her mood swings very fast which can make one pretty confused at times (happened to me sometimes… Her bright and pretty smile tells all about her intelligence and sophistication. I think there are still a lot of things to be discovered about her. I wish her all the best in her life and career as she has got the potential.

Madhushree: The ‘kanch kanch’. Just kidding…..She is the first person I knew from Ma Foi. I should thank her as she recommended me for Ma Foi where I found all you guyz!! Well the only word which can describe her is ‘FUN’ and ‘PURE FUN’. She is energetic, graceful and confident. She is the best fit for BD……..with her flamboyant personality she can win each and everything she desires (Ani one of them). Just got married and seems more vibrant with her flaming red hair.

Suangana: The cutest of all. Always smiling…haven’t known her so well as I didn’t get so much opportunity to interact with that often. Miss her a lot since she left Ma Foi….. Satyban and Nitin always takes the advantage asking her to stand in-between them….not fair…lol…she is a very easy going person and always put up a cute smile on her face. After all “Suangana chara RDBfriendz hote pare na”….(hope u all understand this irony)

Satyaban: The “incredible hulk”. He has been my one of my closest friend in Ma Foi. He has still got that little Satyaban in him even though he grew vertically. But that makes him a special human being and I adore him for that (inspite of the blue bruise on my left arm). The best part I like about him is simplicity. Clean from the heart, smile on his face with a sparkling eyes….that what he is. When it comes to job, he is a sincere worker with loads of positive energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes I get to see a different Satyaban when he is under pressure (chaaap). Sometimes he can be extremely nagging and irritating when he wants a job to be done (reminds me of a little kid hanging to his dad’d pyajamas when he finds interesting toy in street stall). But inspite of all, I should admit that, I wouldn’t have enjoyed working in this team without him~!!


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