Saturday, March 18, 2006

Views of Tinks

Priyanka : "nebulous creation which is shrouded in mystery and ever evolving", needs to have a customised FIRO-B to understand her (Mads!). Comes as an easy going person who in the first instance may be taken as a simple-happy-go-lucky individual, but spend some time, and one will know the depths she can go to. Sometimes she gets lost in her own world, you may have her by your side but she may not be there as her soul has walked away!

Rajdeep : "King of Hearts and Good Times" a person who is so nice that words are inadequate to express him. Has natural leadership qualities and can handle adverse situation calmly. I would not be surprised if someday he becomes a businessman, a successful one. He is a person on whom one can trust to get a job done. The quality of his thinking and his compassion comes out when he is witness to poverty, hardship or suffering. I have tried to learn customer service from him.


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