Thursday, April 06, 2006

One reason to love the season... good enuf

To many people the hot summer of Baishakh and Jaishtha is unbearable - hot, sweaty and full of seasonal diseases. If you ask these people what they love about summer, they would probably giggle at the whole idea of loving summer. But isn't there anything to love about the season? Well, the inevitable answer would be Mango- the king of fruits. Mango, the delicacy of summer, the delectable and juicy...the fruit that rules.

DURING these mango months- Baishakh and Jaistha, I eat mangoes, sleep mangoes and dream mangoes, and funnily enough I just don't feel guilty about how much I weigh in the season that follows. And I am sure i am not all alone at this.... ;-)

According to our ancestors the king of fruits usually ripens in this hot weather. Well things are a little different these days. Mangoes do not ripen in the trees any more. Long before Jaishtha, they are collected from the trees and ripen as packed inside bamboo baskets, with the help of 'Carbide' and 'Ethrel 39SL'. Well that does not stop us from enjoying the yellow, fleshy, delicious mango. The eating of palatable mango is in our veins.The Mango has been around for 4000 years, originating in the Indian sub-continent. Although the mango is now grown in South America, East Asia, Africa and the Middle East, it is widely popular mainly in this continent. The mango was taken to Brazil and the West Indies by the Portuguese and by Indian traders to East Asia. Persian traders introduced it in the Middle East and Africa. In Florida and California in the USA, a small number of mangoes are grown.



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