Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Reply to Anindya

Dear Anindya,

Must confess your reply to my views were like "Tomahawk cruises" aimed at "Baghdad with Scuds". It had many thought provoking views. Let me try to answer certain questions that you have raised for me-

“Art and culture apart from providing entertainment to people has always carried a great responsibility to act as a reflection of the society, to capture the best and the worst socio economic activities to act as a documental evidence for the generations to come”

Reflection means a mirror image, then why a dichotomy in projection? Treachery, infidelity is as much a reality of our everyday life as is frustration arising out of varied causes. Why don’t we try to understand them ? “Compromise” used in its literal term is perhaps the greatest threat to long term happiness.

“It has projected the basic physiological needs of humans in a wrong way”

Sex is a beautiful gift and it gives rise to an energy called “ojas”, which is necessary to be experienced. My differing point is : Why did the director use it as a filler to close vacuum created elsewhere? Don’t you think that when you are approaching sex guided by this concept, you are defining it narrowly? Moreover the experience is short-lived and memories may turn bitter and painful.

“Lastly will like to know what is your answer /take on the fact that if tomorrow you had found your wife in such a situation and her partner had died in an accident”

Honestly, I have not been able to answer that.



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